Tuesday, February 3, 2015

It's February!

“You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”-Zig Ziglar 

Hello Everyone! I cannot believe it is already February. Time is really flying by! Since I last posted on my blog, I have put my bike together, purchased new gear, and rode a twenty mile route. I picked my bike up from a local bike shop here called, Summit Cycles. For a small fee, they were kind enough to put my bike together and do a fitting. At first, I was very nervous about my new clip-ins (I even took a couple tumbles) but now I am getting used to them and very excited about biking adventures!!!!

On Sunday, my dad took me on what they call, "The P-Loop." Apparently, it's shaped like a P. (Go figure.) I had a lot of fun with my dad, learning how to shift on Big Blue (yes, my bike already has  a name), going up and down hills, and learning bike lingo. I also rode Thursday and Saturday, putting in a total of forty miles this week. I have also still been training at Crossfit. I am totally addicted...what can I say? 

I have been putting together my schedule for the Spring, and it is really starting to hit me that I am BIKING ACROSS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A part of me is definitely nervous, but I've always been one to love a good adventure. It is freeing to leave everything behind and just...GO. Ever since I was in high school, I've had a wandering spirit. Those who are close to me, laugh at this because I've never been able to sit still for very long. I will definitely be ready when May comes to spread my wings and fly. 

On another note, I've been in contact with some of my team members who really need help fundraising! Please feel free to check out their Bike and Build bios and if you see something you like, by all means...DONATE! 

My friend, Katie Judge, who I met in California is participating in the Maine to Santa Barbara route! Check her out too! Katie is super positive, fun, and out going. I'm so glad she is doing Bike and Build this year.